Our Story
Ellenbrae Station is a pastoral lease located in the East Kimberley on the Gibb River Road. The Pastoral lease was taken up in the late 1950s and changed many hands over the years. Kimberley short horn cattle are run on the property. These days they are an unmarked unmanaged heard. Yearly the bulls are caught and sold off to market.
In the 90s Byrne Terry and his wife Anne started the tourism venture on Ellenbrae. Creating Rammed Earth accommodation, bush camping and inviting Gibb River Road travellers into their home for a cuppa and a scone.
The property is now owned by Rino and Diana Grollo and Family. They purchased the property in 2005. The tradition still lives on at Ellenbrae homestead with inviting travellers of the Gibb to relax in the gardens at the homestead with a cuppa and scone being hosted by the managers on the property.
We at Ellenbrae Station recognise the traditional owners of the Wilinggin country where we work and live. We pay our respects to elders past and present of the Ngarinyin people.